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Health    Services

Counseling Services

Individual Counseling


Individual therapy involves you sitting one-on-one with a therapist and talking about your concerns. Common psychological concerns may include:


  • Frequent and/or chronic sadness that is hard to overcome

  • Recovery from a traumatic event

  • Difficulty concentrating and focusing at home, work, and school

  • Panic attacks and/or high levels of anxiety

  • Trouble getting along with others

  • Hearing or seeing things that others don’t hear or see

  • Difficulty with eating and sleepingIntense feelings of loneliness, helplessness, or worthlessness

  • Sexual difficulties or lack of interest

  • Physical aches and pains that are not related to a medical disorder

  • Grief and loss 

Medication Services

Medication Management


There are times when counseling is the sole means of treatment for mental concerns. However, there are other times when medication can be added to the treatment plan to offer more or deeper relief of mental health symptoms.


During your first visit, which typically lasts 45-60 minutes, a clinical professional will evaluate you to determine if a medical evaluation would be a healthful and helpful treatment option for you. If so, s/he will refer you to one of our medical professionals who will conduct a 30-60 minute medical evaluation to determine if medical intervention would be helpful for you. Keep in mind that medication may be one of many treatment options available to you. 


If medication is prescribed, you will have follow-up medication management appointments that may last anywhere from 10-45 minutes. These appointments will be used to check in on your mental health symptoms, evaluate your side effects of medication prescribed,  make tweaks to current medication dosage, discontinue medication if necessary, etc.

Psychological Evaluations & Testing

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Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder​

Attention Hyperactivity Deficit Disorder (ADHD) can be one of the most difficult diagnoses to make. Many of the symptoms that are consistent with this diagnosis are also found in other very common mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. It's also difficult to diagnose because many people grew up hearing things like "you're lazy" or "unfocused." In other words, some people have been trained to blame themselves for their academic and/or professional struggles. 


​While there are times when people are naturally unmotivated to do certain things, there are other times when the brain is struggling to function under certain conditions. This "struggle" is often seen externally as laziness when it's really a disease process unfolding. 


The most common assessment that we offer is for ADHD. If you experience the following symptoms, you may want to request an assessment: 

  • feeling unmotivated

  • difficulty concentrating/focusing

  • highly distractible

  • trouble sitting/standing still

  • forgetfulness

  • impatience

  • difficulty "turning off" the brain at night that leads to trouble sleeping

  • verbal impulsivity

  • fidgetiness


Our assessments will help us understand if ADHD is present and, if so, what's the severity of the problem. From there, we can offer documentation that can be shared with your school or employer about how they can help you be successful because here's what we know...


The ADHD brain isn't less developed or "dumber" than other brains. It functions differently and needs a different environment to function well. 

Addiction Services

Individual and Group Addiction Counseling​

Addiction affects the whole person and the whole family. It is not a disease that stays confined to one person or group.  


The first step to getting counseling for addiction problems is to get an addictions evaluation (see Addiction Assessments & Evaluations tab above). After an evaluation has been completed, you will get recommendations from the clinician. There are many things that may be recommended at the end of an evaluation, and one of them may be addictions counseling. ​


Like mental health counseling, addictions counseling can be done with individuals, groups, or families. Typical addiction issues discussed in counseling include triggers; relapse prevention; withdrawal, tolerance, use, and abuse; codependence and unhealthy relationships; medication; trauma; legal problems; and more. ​


You don't need an addiction problem to be in addiction counseling. People who live with individuals who currently or formerly suffer with addiction can attend addiction counseling too. 


Through counseling, family members and friends can learn about addiction, how it works in the body and brain, and how they can help their loved one. They can learn about pitfalls and expectations about recovery.​

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